Plating Related Questions
How do I clean my silver plated (chrome plated, gold plated, copper plated) items?
ANSWER: See our tips for cleaning plated goods
I have heard that chrome plating can get a condition called “chrome burn”. Can you please explain what chrome burn is and if it is a problem?
ANSWER: Chrome burn happens when plating is applied with a higher current than necessary or usual. Sometimes it’s accidental or design fault related, however sometimes the plater will DELIBERATELY chrome burn an item to ensure adequate throw and coverage of chrome plating into all the areas of the item. It is quite common for awkward shapes to be chrome burned in the plating process. The chrome burn itself is whitish in color (appears cloudy). In restoration we incorporate extra polishing in the process to remove any chrome burn. After polishing you would never know the difference and of course you will have a better plating job as the high current has helped to cover the low points and recessed areas. See this video for a demo of removing chrome burn
Does A Class have plating capabilities for Automotive specifications?
I am a manufacturer and require parts plating services regularly. What sort of turn-around time should I expect?
ANSWER: For regular work of reasonable volumes we aim to deliver within 1-5 business days, depending on your process requirements.
Quality Related Questions
Is A Class Metal Finishers Quality Certified? What Does Quality Certified mean?
How will I know if I am getting a good quality job?
ANSWER: Unless you have had plating or polishing work done elsewhere you possibly won’t know the difference but we like to think our quality speaks for itself. (Actually alot of our customers tell us our work is of exceptional quality, compared to their other experiences). But don’t take our word for it – ask around in manufacturing or automotive restoration circles, or chat rooms. We are confident you will hear good reports about the quality of our work, and our service.
Price Related Questions – Plating or Polishing
How much will it cost to chrome my alloy car WHEELS?
ANSWER: Like all types of parts, it is difficult to provide an estimate without seeing and assessing your actual parts. A typical answer to this particular question (re wheels) is that the cost could be in the ball park of approximately $250 – $500 per wheel depending on shape, size and condition of the wheels. Of course that is a big “window” but you’ll get a closer idea of price once we have seen your wheels. Wheels are stripped and polished prior to (and often between) plating processes. They are then plated using the ‘triple chrome’ plating method involving “layers” of copper, then nickel, then chrome plating.
I am a manufacturer of metal products and I would like an idea of what it will cost me to get my items chrome plated or gold plated?
ANSWER: We prefer not to provide a manufacturing or production quotation without seeing and assessing your actual parts and/or technical drawings of them. On the page A phone call or email to one of our commercial customer reps may provide you with a rough estimate if you’re after a quick answer.
Do you do small jobs and one-off jobs?
ANSWER: Yes, we do small jobs, one-offs and production volumes. There is a minimum charge applicable for small jobs.
Do I need to pull apart my job into separate pieces?parts?
ANSWER: Yes, please bring your parts to us already dismantled. We do not accept responsibility for dismantling or re-assembling parts or assemblies. If we receive parts still in a fully assembled state they will be returned to you, or held for your collection and disassembly. We process many, many parts of different types and complexity. There are risks of damage involved when separating old, used, corroded or complex metal articles.
Metal & Plastic Restoration Related Questions
Can you chrome plate old plastic car parts?
ANSWER: Yes we can chrome plate old plastic parts as well as some other plastic parts. A Class has developed a range of custom processes including various methods for treating and plating plastic parts successfully. With well over 20 years in business and being one of the most diverse finishing companies in Australia, we have amassed a great deal of knowledge and experience in plating, polishing and restoration and can usually find a solution to any surface finishing need.
How long does it take to get re-chroming work done?
ANSWER: The average restoration job of a few car or motorcycle parts will generally take about 3-4 weeks for us to process. This time-frame can vary depending on other jobs we have at the time as well as any complications in your job, or jobs ahead of yours. Large jobs (e.g. Bumpers or severely deteriorated larger items) can sometimes take several weeks longer, depending also on any repairs or dent-knocking required.
(For information of other readers – silverware and brassware will usually take a similar amount of time: 2-4 weeks, jewellery is usually completed within 2 weeks.)
This is an old industry favourite story that sometimes helps answer a few questions about the metal plating or restoration process, especially for novice metal restorers:
Some of the population could be forgiven for thinking chrome plating is as simple as “just dipping” a job in & out of a glistening vat of molten, silvery metal. The truth is: “electroplating is a result of an electrolytically assisted anodic/cathodic reaction where the anode is a solid of the metal to be applied & the cathode is the job to be plated”! (Eeeek – what does that mean?!!!!)
The other day we had a visit from a chap who was fixing up his old Holden. With him he had a slightly rusted, chrome plated steel, bumper section. “Just dip it thanks mate” he said, “I’ll be back in an hour“. We went on to explain to him – “mate, you’d be looking at a few weeks to have this restored“. You can imagine his shock. We went on to describe the process involved in preparing and plating his bumper section: (After a little time waiting in line for other jobs to start)
1 – Degrease & paint strip the back of the item
2 – Electro chemical strip to remove chrome
3 – Chemical strip to remove nickel & copper
4 – Rust removal (Hydrochloric)
5 – Panel beat (weld or patch areas needing repair etc)
6 – Metal finish (polish, buff, etc) to high shine as prep for plating
7 – Heavy copper plating to restore base surface
8 – Re-polish to high finish
9 – Copper electroplate again to ensure full coverage of steel
10 – Nickel electroplate
11 – Chrome electroplate
12 – inspect, touch up polish, wrap, complete paperwork, deliver or hand to customer
Crikey! The man said. Then he filled out his job form, handed over the bumper section and left – knowing it was in the safe hands of someone who obviously knows a very complex process!
A Class does take advantage of new technologies to improve the way we treat, process and restore metal surfaces, however automation is not usually an option, due to job variation. Most restoration work is completed by hand, by ‘craftspeople’ who know their stuff.
Want an answer to your own metal finishing, metal restoration or electroplating related question?
Please contact us and we’ll do our best to give you a solid and reliable answer!

We are no longer providing estimates for Metal Restoration work. If you are a manufacturer requiring finishing for your ready to plate commercial products or components click on "Quote for new parts finishing" and you will be directed to the business we sold our commercial plating operations to. Note - they don't offer metal restoration or refurbishment services.