Metal repairs are an integral aspect of good metal parts restoration. Think old rusty bumper bar with holes or dents, or fancy light fitting with a broken solder join. I’m sure you can imagine that if there is no-one on deck who can do these important repairs, jobs just aren’t going to get done.
Like many workplaces in SA lately, our restoration team have suffered a few absences due to Covid illness of family members, or the need to isolate as a close contact, in recent weeks. This caused a significant blowout in the number of jobs banked up for repairs. We’re getting back on track now, but behind is behind and catching up is limited to the available pairs of hands we have. We are very grateful for the patience and kindness or our wonderful customers as we work to find our way back to “on-track”.
We have a new pair of hands in training and some shuffling of tasks happening. All we can say right now is – please stay away Covid!!!